Gender Equality, Importance of Women Rights

In addition to being a fundamental human right, gender equality is also a precondition for a world that is stable, affluent, and sustainable. Although there has been progressing in recent decades, gender equality will not be achieved by the year 2030 as planned. 

Women activist, CEO, Digital Consultant and a global Indian, Aprajita Kohli is working really hard to bring gender equality in the workplace by empowering women and helping them to take positions in major leadership roles. By running a Digital women’s magazine, Femest,  Aprajita is bringing out stories of women to the world, sharing the challenges and achievements to uplift the younger generation. 

The COVID-19 pandemic’s social and economic effects have made the situation much worse. Many aspects of development are lagging behind, such as the amount of time spent on unpaid caregiving and domestic work, decisions regarding sexual and reproductive health, and gender-responsive budgeting.

The promotion of laws, policies, budgets, and institutions that advance gender equality is one way to move the process forward more quickly. Given that less than half of the data needed to monitor Goal 5 is currently available, more funding should be put towards gender statistics.


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