The way Taylor Giavasis and her fiancé Nash Grier talk about their family life on social media makes it look very perfect. The couple just had their second child and are almost ready to get married. They’ve been together for over 6 years.
There were some bad things in Giavasis’ life, though. She was born to Nikki Giavasis and Bobby Lee Cutts Jr., who broke up soon after. Her father was found guilty of killing his girlfriend and their unborn child when she was nine years old. Since then, Giavasis hasn’t talked to Cutts and has said that she doesn’t have a father.
The taylor giavasis dad, Bobby Cutts, is in jail for life and says he didn’t mean to kill his girlfriend.
taylor giavasis dad, Bobby Cutts killed 26-year-old Jessie Marie Davis in her home in Lake Township, Stark County, Ohio, on June 14, 2007. Davis was almost due to give birth. They were together for a long time and had a son together who was 2 years old.
Davis was thought to be lost at first, but nine days later, her body was found in the woods. During the first investigation, taylor giavasis dad, Cutts, who was a police officer in Canton at the time, was not thought to be responsible for the crime.
Later, the local sheriff and the FBI caught him in connection with the crime. taylor giavasis dad was charged with two counts of murder: one for killing Jessie Davis in the first degree and another for killing their unborn child in a horrible way.
It took ten days of trial in February 2008 to find taylor giavasis dad, Cutts guilty of all the charges against him. These included child endangerment, aggravated burglary, and gross abuse of a body. That person could have been put to death. The jury did not decide to put him to death, though. Instead, they gave him a sentence of life in jail without the chance of parole for 57 years.
What Cutts said in court was that he had gone to Davis’ house the morning of her death to get their son Blake and had no plans to kill her. They got into a fight because they didn’t agree, and his elbow “accidentally” hit her neck and knocked her to the ground.
“I didn’t think she would hit the ground so hard.” I turned around when I heard her fall. I did cardiopulmonary resuscitation. I felt for a pulse in her neck but saw none. She was already dead. I don’t believe any of this is real. He said, “I never meant to hurt anyone.”
He also said that there was no phone in the house so he couldn’t call 911. He then got scared and took his friend Myisha Ferrell away from the scene of the crime.
Cutts was charged with abuse and failing to care for Taylor Giavasis when she was a child.
At the time of the custody fight between Taylor’s mother, Nikki Giavasis, and Bobby Cutts, he was charged with child abuse and neglect. A report sent to the Stark County Family Court in January 2007 said that Cutts was thought to have abused his daughter physically and mentally.
It is said that he “hit, bit, and threw objects” at her and said rude things in front of her. Giavasis lived with him for a long time because he had main custody of her.
Tayler Giavasis told the medical examiner that she had been abused by her father in “multiple, disturbing events of verbal, emotional, and physical abuse” when she was 9 years old.
It hurts when he hits me and throws things at me like a TV remote or a water bottle. “He laughs and says he’s just having fun,” Giavasis said.
While he was married to another woman during the murder, Cutts had a third child with her. The other two were with Giavasis and Blake. But they were no longer together before that, and they got a divorce after he was arrested in June 2007.
Bobby Cutts is currently spending the last few years of his life sentence at the honour blocks in Ohio’s Marion Correctional Institution. He was 29 years old when the victims were killed. He is a great prisoner and takes part in the choir, dog training programmes, and games for fun.
“Being in prison has changed me for the better in some ways.” I believe I was more self-centered ten or eleven years ago than I am now. And I believe I value things a little more now than I did before… “But I miss my kids the most,” he said.